Brendan picked up his first hockey stick at just eighteen months old, and from that moment on, the sport became his passion. Born in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Brendan started skating at the age of two and joined the Tim Bits learn to play hockey program at three years old. Brendan was always happy to go to the rink and insisted on learning every position, even including a short stint at goalie.
In 2017, his family re-located to California and Brendan joined the Mites Blue team under Coach Kody. Through the years, Brendan has moved up with the Vacaville Jets and Golden State Elite program. Currently, he is double rostered on Jets High School Varsity and GSE 16AA teams. His passion and dedication for the game has allowed him to branch out into Refereeing (certified USA Level 2) and volunteering as an assistant coach during the winter and summer sessions of the in-house and Learn to Skate programs. Brendan loves volunteering for these programs. Having the ability to give back to an amazing hockey community and sharing his knowledge to future generations of players provides a great sense of fulfillment and purpose. This year Brendan was awarded the role of team captain, under the same coach who welcomed him to California. Coach Kody praises his leadership, stating, "This dedication to constant improvement, his leadership toward his peers, and his ability to work hard while still having fun doing it. He’s been a great leader to my team this season". Most of all, Brendan always arrives ready to work and is known around the rink for his infectious smile. Beyond the rink, Brendan is a 4.0 student at Vacaville High School with aspirations to continue playing hockey throughout college while pursuing a degree in Sports Medicine.
Congratulations Brendan on receiving this years Iceman scholarship, it is our privilege to recognize you for great character, integrity and for all that you do for our club. We are proud of you!